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G'day all -
I recently read Chris Blasdel's "One Note" and having a 10 year old version of his Manual
naturally turned to thinking about his comments re learning gaiyoko.
I duly enlarged the cursive script in the appendix and tranferred the tape recording of Kurokami
to mp3 and looked into the piece on and started working on it.
Following the recent postings re this form of music and scores notation etc by Chris and others
I thought I'd like to hear this piece in full.
I do notice there are a number of CD's available.
I'd be interested to talk offline about this piece, style and any recommendations as to
CDs featuring koto/shakuhachi or koto/shakuhachi/voice.
Be happy be well -
PLEASE REPLY DIRECT ranftg AT [ replace AT with usual symbol and remove spaces]
graham in Oz
There is a good 6 CD set of Tozan sankyoku available from Mejiro. I think kurokami is on it.....