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Tube of delight!

#1 2006-01-09 00:33:40

Moran from Planet X
From: Here to There
Registered: 2005-10-11
Posts: 1524

Choshi with child

I don't think we've begaun to scratch the real potential of recordings on the internet, yet.  But between Mujitsu and Tairaku's Sea Weed Tube of Wonder MP3 and Perry Yung's eBay samples I think we're onto something. These guys are giving iTunes a run for its money.

Last week I commented on Perry's recording of "O, Bamboo Tree" on eBay.  This week he features a duet with his minimalist-vocalist son, Jet, on "Choshi (with child)". To hear it, go to  Item# 7380626408 or search "shakuhachi". It's the 2.9 auction. Click on "Hear this flute".

A more well-timed "uggh" in the middle of the composition couldn't have been made with better timing, breath control or tone color.

We look forward to more duets and maybe a greatest hits collection on K-TEL by the end of the year.

Last edited by Chris Moran (2006-01-09 00:38:23)

"I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...and I am all out of bubblegum." —Rowdy Piper, They Live!



#2 2006-01-11 14:26:02

From: New York City
Registered: 2005-10-08
Posts: 1061

Re: Choshi with child

Hi Chris,

Chris Moran wrote:

I don't think we've begun to scratch the real potential of recordings on the internet, yet.  But between Mujitsu and Tairaku's Sea Weed Tube of Wonder MP3 and Perry Yung's eBay samples I think we're onto something. These guys are giving iTunes a run for its money.

I'm glad you're enjoying the MP3 files on ebay. I'm striving to make the shakuhachi more assessible and eBay has helped me reach people from all over the world.
One of the best things about it is that people write saying they've never heard shakuhachi music like this before and ask for more info. Unfortunately, Itunes haven't been knocking on my door yet smile

Last week I commented on Perry's recording of "O, Bamboo Tree" on eBay.  This week he features a duet with his minimalist-vocalist son, Jet, on "Choshi (with child)". To hear it, go to  Item# 7380626408 or search "shakuhachi". It's the 2.9 auction.  A more well-timed "uggh" in the middle of the composition couldn't have been made with better timing, breath control or tone color.

Actually, this flute was sitting around my shop for a while and this recording was made in May of 2005, a month before Jet was born. The accompanying improvised vocal is from my toddler, Sasa. She was one and a half then and, if I recall correctly, pushing buttons on her toy cell phone while I was making the recording.

Here are the files for archival purposes-
Played on an upgraded EARTH Model 2.9 length bamboo shakuhachi (with utaguchi inlay and lacquer).

Oh Bamboo Tree -
Played on an all natural 2.1 EARTH Model (no utaguchi, no lacquer).

We look forward to more duets and maybe a greatest hits collection on K-TEL by the end of the year.

There is a kind supporter out there who has collected hours of my MP3 recordings from ebay. He's been "lightly" hinting that I should make an eBay Honkyoku CD, among other things

I dunno, with the two kids, maybe I'll get one out in time for next Christmas.
Best, Perry

Last edited by Yungflutes (2006-01-11 14:32:21)

"A hot dog is not an animal." - Jet Yung

My Blog/Website on the art of shakuhachi...and parenting.
How to make an Urban Shakuhachi (PVC)



#3 2006-01-11 14:46:42

From: San Francisco
Registered: 2005-10-05
Posts: 885

Re: Choshi with child

Way to go Perry! Keep 'em coming!




#4 2006-01-11 14:58:47

From: Seattle, WA
Registered: 2005-10-27
Posts: 364

Re: Choshi with child

ALL you makers should put together an MP3 CD for us, lol.


"The Universe does not play favorites, and is not fair by its very Nature; Humans, however, are uniquely capable of making the world they live in fair to all."    - D.E. Lloyd

"Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee."    -John Donne



#5 2007-04-22 14:58:46

From: Taichung, TAIWAN
Registered: 2006-04-12
Posts: 361

Re: Choshi with child

Yungflutes wrote:

There is a kind supporter out there who has collected hours of my MP3 recordings from ebay. He's been "lightly" hinting that I should make an eBay Honkyoku CD, among other things.

<strongly seconds the above notion>


塵も積もれば山となる -- "Chiri mo tsumoreba yama to naru." -- Piled-up specks of dust become a mountain.



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