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I was wondering if anyone uses the following interesting shakuhachi fingerings in an actual piece as opposed to just foolin' around:
1. generating chi in kan register by blowing a harmonic on ro, i.e. getting the 5th above the octave. The note is a little thin and ro otsu still sounds slightly, but what's nice is that you can trill from chi to ri meri (A to B on a 1.8) easily.
2. getting re meri by meri'ing only slightly and covering hole 1 in addition to 3, 4, and 5. The timbre is different from 'proper' re meri.
Harmonic chi sounds like a Chinese healing technique...anyhow, if anyone has insights into these fingerings, I'd appreciate it!
The following link will take you to "Amazing Grace" using only harmonics. Haven't gotten around to doing another one, maybe I'll find another piece that will work someday! … icsRTR.pdf